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Posts tagged "wood playhouse"

15 Super Awesome Kids Outdoor Playhouses

Fri, Aug 16, 2013 | Play houses

Kids’ outdoor playhouse theme is more relevant in summer. A play­house is a per­fect spot to pre­tend play and mimic mom or dad’s home rou­tine: orga­niz­ing toys, dust­ing, clean­ing and water­ing bal­cony plants; a play­house teaches a child to be responsible. On the other hand, in a play­house, some mess is allowed, and while...Continue Reading...

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Bohemian Playhouse To Put In Your Home

Tue, Jan 22, 2013 | Kids room

When we were little, many of us dreamed of having a playhouse, a shelter somewhere – in the wood, in the garden, no matter, some special space just for you, not for the adults. Incorporated Architecture and Design from New York gives this opportunity to kids – that’s a cool playhouse with modern design and manufacturing.  The house may be put in some...Continue Reading...

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Cool DIY Backyard Children Bungalow

Tue, Aug 21, 2012 | Play houses

Children don’t like sitting on one place and, frankly speaking, they never do it. They are always moving and probably each of them dreams of having a hideout. Even if it’s not secret but helps them to hide from the adults. And if you have two or more children, this idea is very actual and popular. Look, what amazing bungalow you can make for your kids...Continue Reading...

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Cool Gipsy Caravan Playhouses For Your Kids

Fri, Jul 20, 2012 | 12-15, 5-7, 8-11, Play houses

The children spent much time in outdoors plaing with friends in open air. So their parents organize special playground near by their home for children to be safe. One of the options maybe children playhouses – mini houses where every child feels himself or herself an owner. Gypsy caravan is a tipical playhouse. It  will become a colorful decoration for...Continue Reading...


Wood Outdoor Playhouses for Girls and Boys from Green House

Fri, Apr 2, 2010 | 12-15, 2-4, 5-7, 8-11, Play houses

April has started and warm days are close enough. Your children will be able to spend a lot of times in the open air. If you want to make them a pleasant surprise and diversify their summer life, then you could to enrich your garden by a cute playhouse. Outdoor play houses from Green House could become a cool find for families with children from 3 to 14...Continue Reading...


Cool Outdoor Kids Play House for Boys

Sat, Feb 13, 2010 | 12-15, 8-11, Play houses

Red Beard’s Revenge Pirate Ship Playhouse is a wonderful place for you children but mostly for boys. You could create a fairy-tale world full of adventures just in your garden. Your kids could imagine themselves as courageous pirates and think out different fun games. Thanks to its big size of you could also join to them and get a lot of fun and...Continue Reading...

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