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Posts tagged "unusual Lego sets"

Harry Potter’s Hogwarts Lego Kit

Thu, Mar 14, 2013 | For ages, Toys

Now it’s impossible to find a child of the age of 7 or 8 years who would know nothing about Harry Potter. And almost every child dreams of repeating all the feats of their hero or help him. Lego is a company which always responds to offers and desires of little customers. So that it had elaborated Harry Potter’s School of Magic and Hogwarts...Continue Reading...


Cool Educational Game – Renewable Energy Add-On Set from Lego

Tue, Apr 13, 2010 | 12-15, 16-21, 8-11, Toys

Lego kits are not only funny games for small kids, but they also coud become a very interesting and educational activity for seniors and even students. One of the new Lego sets could easily demonstrate that. The Renewable Energy Add-on Set gives an unique opportunity for your kids to make a lot of interesting observations and discoveries. With this...Continue Reading...


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