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Posts tagged "kids toys shelf"

Cool String Shelf For Favorite Toys

Fri, May 24, 2013 | Furniture sets, Toys

Children very often throw their toys around the room being carried away by playing. And putting these things in order is not a simple task. Sometimes we can see parents crawling on their knees and thinking that the toys never will come to the end. At the same time their tender child is sitting and watching this labor-intensive process. And the most...Continue Reading...


Easy DIY Collector’s Shelf To Organize Kid’s LEGO Toys

Fri, May 10, 2013 | DIY Projects

If your kid is a huge fun of Lego, and he or she has already collected so many of them that they need their own shelf, here’s your easiest solution! You need a cardboard tube of the type you buy posters in, pretty papers, glue, paint and brush. Start with cutting the tube into pieces about 4 cm wide and sanding the edges after that if needed. Then paint...Continue Reading...


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