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Posts tagged "handmade children jewelry"

Cute And Meaningful DIY Wrapped Washer Necklaces

Tue, May 21, 2013 | DIY Projects

It’s well known that the best gift is a handmade gift with all your heart. And today we want to share with you some wonderful and really a simple idea of meaningful necklaces that are perfect gifts for friends, relatives and whoever else close to you and your little one. The supplies are: washers, scissors, chain necklace, waxed linen, embroidery thread,...Continue Reading...


Beautiful Jewelry For Children – Buy It Or Make It Yourself

Wed, Aug 22, 2012 | DIY Projects, For ages

If you like wearing jewelry and grow up a daughter, make sure that she will start trying on it soon. So it would be better if she got her own children’s jewelry. Today you can buy it at any kids’ stores or make it yourself. The jewelry that you see in the photos is from Bloessom, but it’s a quite easy to make the same. Prepare beads, crystals, glass...Continue Reading...


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