Fantastic DIY Cardboard Tube Pirate
Do your kids love pirates? Now they can make one of them with their hands! You will need 4-inch cardboard tube, black and white paper, red and peach crayon, 2 googly eyes, 5-inch square piece of bandana or fabric, scissors, hot glue gun, glue stick and black marker. Glue the edges of the black and white paper together. You will need 1 1/2 inches of black and 2 1/2 inches of white. Color the top 1 1/2 inches of the white paper with a peach crayon. On the remaining white paper, draw red stripes. Glue the finished paper around the cardboard tube. Fold the fabric square in half, point to point, to create a triangle. Lay the peach end of the cardboard tube onto the straight edge of the fabric. The rest of the tutorial is here.