DIY Easy Sewing Cards To Develop Fine Motor Skills
Sewing is great for developing fine motor skills of your kids. Let’s start with easy sewing patterns for little beginners. They are simple geometric shapes you can lace along the edges of or create patterns with. Also you and your kids can make them for different holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day and many others. You will need different colored papers and yarn. Print the sewing card templates on card stock or print on plain paper and trace the shapes onto colorful card stock. You can make them with cardboard or sheet balsa wood (drill the holes in this case) for repeated use. Punch the holes according to the templates. You can push an empty pen or sharp object through the holes. For the yarn tie a small paper piece to the end so it doesn’t go through the holes. If you don’t have a small plastic needle so glue a tightly rolled up paper piece at the end of the yarn so you can hold this stiff end to thread through, just like a shoelace.