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Romantic DIY Tissue Paper Poppy Magnets To Make With Kids

Thu, Mar 12, 2015 | DIY Projects | By Natasha Alt

All kids love flowers! This project will be good for girls and boys. Girls can make these poppy magnets for themselves, boys can create them for their moms or sisters. You will need tissue paper, magnets, pipe cleaners, hot glue, scissors and pencil. Begin by cutting a stack of circles: 1 stack for the flower (any amount you want) and 1 smaller stack (like 5 pieces) for the center. Stack the circles, the smaller ones in the center of the larger ones, and skewer it with the pipe cleaner. Bend over the tip of the pipe cleaner to keep it from slipping out. Pull the pipe cleaner down so the folded tip is snug in the center of the tissue stack. Next steps of the instruction are here.

Reference: thisheartofmineblog

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