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Very Cute DIY Tissue Paper Baby Chicks

Tue, Nov 11, 2014 | DIY Projects | By Natasha Alt

You and your kids can create these fluffy little baby chicks very fast! So don’t waste your time and make it! You will need cardstock (yellow, orange), pipe cleaners (orange), tissue paper (or crepe paper, yellow), scissors, glue, googly eyes and feathers. First gather the materials for this project. Next cut a medium-sized circle out of the yellow cardstock for the chick’s body. Then begin cutting your tissue paper (or crepe paper) into small square pieces. Now cover the yellow paper circle with glue. Taking your little yellow squares of tissue paper, scrunch them up and stick them on the yellow paper circle. Keep doing this until the whole circle will be full of fluffy pieces of tissue paper. The rest of the tutorial is here.

Reference: kiwicrate

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