DIY Original Clay Nutcracker And Angel Ornaments
You always have a choice: to buy presents or make them by yourself. These clay nutcrackers and angels you can easily use as Christmas ornaments or attach them to your Christmas presents. You will need an acrylic paint, silver wire, cotton balls and air-drying clay. Sculpt the ornament. You can make the head and torso first and add little bits and pieces. To be able to hang it after, make a little hook out of silver craft wire and stick it into the head. Now let them air dry, for about an hour. But remember that you can speed this up by putting them in the oven on the lowest setting for about 15 minutes. Take them out of the oven, let them cool a bit, and glue the head, torso, and other parts together. Now again let the glue dry. Start painting them with acrylic paint using a fine brush. Let them dry. Then take some craft angel hair or cotton balls for the beard and the hair of the clay angel and glue it in place. Enjoy!